In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on September 1 2024, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Paul English for a show entitled, “Talk Radio”.
We discussed: are the leaves about to fall; why it is worth engaging with older people; the 1988 Oliver Stone film “Talk Radio” ; this week’s “People Who Failed To Join Sven Longshanks In Prison And How They Did It”; the policies of demoralization; our weekly look at the BBC Verify website; when will the BBC be able to verify why one of their presenters announced that WTC 7 had collapsed when it was still standing in the live feed behind her; why doing your own research may make you believe fake news; the Charlie Big Potatoes case; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; the importance of connecting with people locally; why the people least suited to be holding the reigns of power seem to be the people who inevitably end up wielding it; some of this week’s Daily Mail articles that didn’t end up behind their “Mail +” paywall; Talk Radio as a medium of entertainment; why the attack on Free Speech is generally the first step taken by a totalitarian government; the latest on legendary TV wrestling villain, Kendo Nagasaki; and many other topics.
Click Here To Listen To The Show
Click Here For Paul’s “Paul English Live” Website
Click Here For The YouTube Video Of The 1988 Oliver Stone Film “Talk Radio”
Click Here For The BBC Verify Homepage
Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Vaccine Damage Payment”