ACH (2376) Nick Griffin – Nick’s Analysis Of The World We’re In

In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 25 2024, Andy is joined by Nick Griffin for a show entitled, “Nick’s Analysis Of The World We’re In.”

We discussed: how Julian Assange leaked the British National Party membership list and the ramifications of this; the October 7 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and how its impact surpasses that of the 911 attacks; the power of imagery; the protests against Israel’s attack on Gaza; David Kurten’s Heritage Party; why there is currently no political solution to our problems; the free speech issue; the UK after next week’s General Election; the prospects of a future pandemic; why we could be heading into war; and many other topics.

Click Here To Listen To The Show

Click Here For The YouTube Video Of Nick’s Speech To The European Parliament

Click Here To Order DEUS VULT Reconquista Of The West: Handbook For Resisting The Great Replacement

Click Here To Order DEUS VULT The Great Reset Resistance

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